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Asian Assassin

Case # NY-32
Translation: (noun - Deliberate Murder)
NOTE: In Chapter 8 you will find that Lawrence has created an Excel Sheet containing all the City Hall people who were interviewed by Jonah & Paul. This Excel sheet is only available to Readers of this book. Since our books have yet to be published, we will let you have a sneak peak of how this website will eventually be fully interactive. Interactive for the Reader to help solve the crimes and win some fabulous prizes. Click the Circle

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Cast of Characters
His friends call him “Jak” (pronounced Jack). JAK stands for his 3 initials. He is 44 (b. 1971), 210 lbs., wants to get down to 200 lbs., 6”3”, and in great shape. Works out every day in his own Gym. He owns a 5-story plus Roof Garden Brownstone in upper east side NYC. He served US Army, Army Ranger. Holds degrees from Wharton Business School, Columbia University, and New York University. Passed the Bar never practiced Law. Studied to be an MD, changed course and is a Clinical Psychologist, also handles Criminal Cases.
Receptionist, Secretary, Right-Hand and Confidant. Carries, with permit, a .32 Caliber snub nose pistol. Holds a Brown Belt in Karate. Early in her career was a hair stylist. Friendship with Jak since 2005. 5’2” 110 lbs. Single. Makes bad choices in boyfriends.
Driver, Chauffer, Bodyguard at times, bouncer, valet, 6’7”, 300 lbs. of muscle, strong and scary. Known Jak for about 15 yrs. Just turning 50. Long time girlfriend, Babs.
(The Twins) also referred to as “The Buzzer Boys”. They own and operate a chain of gyms nationwide. Both in the Rangers, that’s when they met JAK. The twins are 5’8” tall with bright red hair, lots of freckles, too. Jim not married going with a gorgeous red head (we think he’s gay). Tim married to Sue – twin boys red hair, too. Jak calls them Jr. & Jr. They all reside in Dallas, Texas.
Never call him Larry. African American, computer geek, writes software and algorithms. Graduated MIT top of his class. Has Hand-to-Hand combat skills was a Trainer in Special Forces. Lawrence is gay, not going with anyone special at this time. Is a real gamer. Also, a part-time chef for friends. A bit overweight, but loves his life. He is 5’9” and weighs about 230.
Trained with Massod. Karate, Jujutsu, Krav Maga, 4’11” 100 lbs. She is very strong. First women Ranger. Single comes from a large family (estranged). Long time boyfriend thought to be a spy or with CIA, or black ops. Joan grew up near Pittsburgh, PA. Currently resides in Philadelphia. Earns hefty fees traveling and lecture ring about martial arts and is a proponent for kids to have disciplines and a good education. One day wants to open her own Dojo. In her 30’s. Knows Jak for long time.
Gun expert, deadly shot. Widower, Green Beret, met in College while studying Law. Quiet, reserved, a typical military man type. He and his wife were married for a long time, she passed, she was the love of his life. Still wears his wedding ring, refuses to go on dates. Oldest of our Group.
Very athletic into running & jumping “Parkour” – met in Med School. Female. Shaved her head a few years ago and likes the low maintenance. She sells Swords, Epees & Knives, and handles them like a pro. Jaime gay, her partner is Phillipina (“Phil”), a dentist. They have been together for over 10 years. Live in Cherry Hill, NJ originally from from Detroit, Michigan. She is the youngest of our Group.
Best executive recruiter, he is a master at the “Interview Game”, better than a lie detector. He and his business partner, Jason, have 28 offices throughout the USA and overseas. He is 6’4” tall 240 lbs., gray beard and mustache. Decorated Navy SEAL. Jak’s best friend. Married to Jeanie Matthews. Reside on West End Avenue is NYC.
Other Important Characters
Jeanie is Paul’s wife. She uses her maiden name for her business. Jeanie runs her own upscale Art Gallery in NYC. Paul and she have been married for a bit over 20 years, you would never know it, they act like newlyweds.
Jeanie King’s identical twin sister. Resides in UK (London), is a Veterinarian, has 2 English Bull Dogs (Whitey & Dyna), owns a restored Jag XK150-E Type 1959. Is world renown, last trip 6 months in Kenya at an Animal Reserve.
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Excel List of Suspects
NOTE: In Chapter 8 you will find that Lawrence has created an Excel Sheet containing all the City Hall people who were interviewed by Jonah & Paul. This Excel sheet is only available to Readers of this book. Since our books have yet to be published, we will let you have a sneak peak of how this website will eventually be fully interactive. Interactive for the Reader to help solve the crimes and win some fabulous prizes.
Without written permission no parts may be copied or reproduced.
(鎌 or かま) (sometimes referred to as the kai or double kai. Kama made with intentionally dull blades for kata demonstration purposes are referred to as kata kai) is a traditional Filipino and Japanese farming implement similar to a sickle used for reaping crops and also employed as a weapon. The kama is often included in weapon training segments of karate, silat and in some Chinese martial arts.

(金棒) a spiked/knobbed club or truncheon used in feudal Japan as a weapon by samurai and their retainers. Kanabō and the other related types of these club-like weapons were constructed out of heavy wood, or made entirely from iron, with iron spikes or studs on one end. One or both ends of the wooden type clubs could be sheathed in iron. Kanabō type weapons came in all sizes and shapes. The shape could be that of a baseball bat with a thick heavy end tapering towards a slender handle or they could be straight all the way from the handle to the end, with the shaft being round or multi faceted.

Characterized by its distinctive appearance: a curved, slender, single-edged blade with a circular or squared guard and long grip to accommodate two hands It has historically been associated with the samurai of feudal Japan. Some historians have said that katana were among the finest cutting weapons in world military history.

(苦無 kunai) sometimes known as an uzumaki is a Japanese tool possibly derived from the masonry trowel. Two variations are the short kunai (小苦無 shō-kunai) and the big kunai (大苦無 dai-kunai). It is a good example of a basic tool which, in the hands of a martial arts expert, could be used as a multi-functional weapon. It is commonly associated with the ninja.

(なぎなた, 薙刀) is one of several varieties of traditionally made Japanese blades (nihonto) in the form of a pole weapon. Naginata were originally used by the samurai class of feudal Japan, as well as by ashigaru (foot soldiers) and sōhei (warrior monks). A naginata consists of a wooden shaft with a curved blade on the end. The 30 cm to 60 cm long naginata blade is forged in the same manner as traditional Japanese swords. The blade has a long tang (nakago) which is inserted in the shaft (nagaye or ebu). Author’s note: Asian Assassin see Yari Custom Pole.

Usually used by the kunoichi (female ninja). The weapon is strong iron fingernails that were fastened into leather bands fitted on the fingers, and resembled claws (not like that of of the shuko, ashiko) and were also dipped in poisons. The eyes were a favorite spot for slashing.

(Japanese: ヌンチャク nunchaku, often "nunchuks ", "danger sticks", "juan-tuo" or "chainsticks" in English) is a traditional Okinawan martial arts weapon consisting of two sticks connected at one end by a short chain or rope. The two sections of the weapon are commonly made out of wood, while the link is a cord or a metal chain. The nunchaku is most widely used in martial arts. and improves posture. Many varieties of nunchaku are available.

Ono (斧) (masa-kari) is the Japanese word for an "axe" or a "hatchet", and is used to describe various tools of similar structure. As with axes in other cultures, ono are sometimes employed as weapons. Many existing examples of this particular weapon are associated with the sōhei or yamabushi (warrior monks), who also adapt other agricultural tools as weapons although samurai are also pictured as using ono in wood block prints. Ono that were specifically designed for military use are of extreme rarity. The weapon version of the ono is described as having "a very large head with a very convex cutting edge and a large scroll-shaped peen opposite it.

Claw-like weapon used in Ninjutsu. It is also known as Tekagi-Shuko. This Ninja weapon was used either as a weapon in order to strike opponents with its iron claws or as a tool in order to climb walls and trees.

(手裏剣; literally: "sword hidden in user's hand") is a traditional Japanese concealed weapon that was generally used for throwing, and sometimes stabbing or slashing. They are sharpened hand-held blades. Shuriken is the name given to any small-bladed object, traditionally used to indicate the well-known "throwing star".

(短刀) "short blade" is one of the traditionally made Japanese swords (nihonto) that were worn by the samurai class of feudal Japan. The tantō dates to the Heian period, when it was mainly used as a weapon but evolved in design over the years to become more ornate. Tantō were used in traditional martial arts (tantojutsu).

(鉄甲), lit. "iron", "armor", which originated in Okinawa, Japan, falls into the category of a "fist-load weapon". By definition, a fist-load weapon increases the mass of the hand so that, given the physical proportionality between the fist's momentum and its mass, it increases the force the bearer can deliver. Some fist-load weapons may also serve, in the same manner, as the guard on a sword, to protect the structure of the bearer's hand. Author’s Note: Think Brass Knuckles.

A Japanese war fan is a fan designed for use in warfare. Several types of war fans were used by the samurai class of feudal Japan, each had a different look and purpose. War fans varied in size, materials, shape, and use. One of the most significant uses was as a signalling device. War fans could also be used as weapons, The art of fighting with war fans is tessenjutsu.

(槍) is the term for one of the traditionally made Japanese blades (nihonto) in the form of a spear, or more specifically, the straight-headed spear. The martial art of wielding the yari is called sōjutsu. (Several Yari’s in Killer’s Collection) Author’s Note: Several Yari are in Asian Assassin’s collection.

Author’s Note: YARI CUSTOM POLE - it should be noted that traditional Yari Blades are permanently attached to their poles which may be as long as 5 to 6 feet in length. Illustration reflects a standard pole and our Asian Assassin’s Custom Telescoping Pole that can be used in increments of 1 foot in length. Special Customer Pole is fictitious and was created for our killer exclusively.
All Weapon descriptions were researched and copied from Wikipedia. Some descriptions were shortened for this section. We thank Wikipedia for being a great source of inspiration.
All weapons were illustrated by Jeanie Matthies
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noun: contest; plural noun: contests
kän test
A competition, match, tournament, game, meet, event, trial, bout, heat, race; deathmatch "a boxing contest"
An event in which people compete for supremacy in a sport, activity, or particular quality. “a shooting contest”
Has all the struggle and tenacity that a contest has, the difference is there can be several winners, and the prizes are all the same, your will win a choice of the following:
3rd Prize - A role in our next book, either using your actual given name or your nickname, it’s up to you. You’ll provide us with your background, your work experience, your hobbies, your favorite pastimes, your marital status, etc. We’ll interview you via Skype or GoTo Meeting to get a full impression of who you are; then will be create a character for our next book, and it will be YOU.
2nd Prize -All of the Above but you also get to choose if you get to be Murdered, the Murderer, an Expert in your field (in Law Enforcement, Forensics, Medical Examiner, Lawyer, Weapons expert, etc.).
1st Prize – All of the above plus a recurring role in our Book.
* You will be required to sign a release form to be in the book.
All Participants must be Readers, as a Reader you are automatically a Participant.
RULES & REGULATIONS ( Coming Soon… )
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(noun - Murder & Greed)
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Lladdfa yng Nghaerdydd

( Carnage in Cardiff )
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